DIY - 40 Gallon Breeder Refugium Sump Build - Fiji Cube

Aug 16, 2017

Hello everyone,

We want to share the quick and easy installation of our 40 Gallon Breeder Refugium Sump Baffle Kit. This kit will work for both Marineland or Aqueon 40 Gallon Breeder as their dimensions are the same except for the color of the silicone seal.

We picked up a Marineland 40 gallon breeder from LFS for this installation.

You are going to need these tools to achieve a smooth finish for doing it on your own, simple and easy to find tools: scissors, masking tape, 100% silicone (highly recommend the GE silicone), kitchen towel (to press the silicone into the gap between the glass and the acrylic, and to wipe off excessive silicone), and razor blade.

We performed a quick fit check before we started. They should fit nicely. :)

Check Fit

40 Gallon Sock Baffle

Before we apply the silicone to permanently secure the baffle kit, we used masking tape to prevent the silicone mess in order to provide a cleaner look.


After the masking job is done, we started applying the silicone onto the edges of the acrylic. After the silicone is applied, we used the paper towel to press the silicone into the gap between the glass and acrylic baffles. Allow the silicone to sit for 12 hours for it to dry completely. Then, we used the razor blade to clean the excessive silicone before I removed the masking tape. It is optional to clean the silicone on the edges of the pieces, we chose to do that because we prefer a clean looking sump.

Finally, we removed the masking tape and the job is done! Here we present you the 40 Gallon Breeder Sump with Fiji Cube Refugium Sump Baffle Kit.

The steps are the same for the Fiji Cube 10 gallon, 20 Gallon Long and 29 Gallon Sump Baffle Kits too. Please check out the kits on this link: Sump DIY Kit.

Here are some pictures that our customers have shared to us on their sump setup using Fiji Cube Sump Kit. If you are using Fiji Cube, we would love to hear about your setup!

Hope you liked our post. Thank you for reading. 

Fiji Cube is committed to delivering high quality and innovative aquarium products. Please don't hesitate to contact us at for any questions you have.